Inspired by the Japanese Shinto Kumi-ki puzzles, the Cubebot Wooden Puzzle is a non-traditional take on the toy robot by joining ancient Japanese traditions with contemporary toy culture.
Robots are in, so ludicrously in. Daft Punk anyone? Blimey. In recognition of the eminent masked duo we decided to resume our search for cool robot-related stuff. And we’ve got lucky with Cubebot Wooden Puzzle.
Inspired by the Japanese Shinto Kumi-ki puzzles (no, us neither), Cubebot is a non-traditional take on the toy robot and makes a brilliantly quirky desktop plaything. Cubebot’s powerful hardwood frame can hold countless poses, and his elastic-band muscles and durable limbs make him super sturdy. When it’s time for him to rest, just fold him back into a perfect cube.
Cubebot Wooden Puzzle – Guthrie – is for the seasoned/ambitious puzzler. It is actually really ruddy hard so some patience will be needed but they’re guaranteed to keep those idle thumbs very busy indeed.
Intriguing and eye catching, Cubebot Wooden Puzzle is ready to strike a pose whenever your workload/stress levels threaten to tip you over the edge. Irate? Hands on hips. Won a contract? Arms aloft. Tired? Sit down. Been caught fiddling your expenses? Make like a cube and hide in the drawer!
- Transforming robot puzzle inspired by Japanese Shinto Kumi-ki puzzles (you know the ones)
- Turns from an unassuming cube into a poseable robot (and back again)
- Made of sustainably harvested hardwood (try saying that three times) and polished with natural Tung Oil.
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